Workshops and Short Courses

The followings are Workshops and Courses that I teach and are available in the Ottawa School of Art or by request

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Digital Photography: Beyond the Lens

This workshop is a methodology course for creating better digital photographs using basic technical knowledge, psychology, and human skills as the approach for taking pictures. It is focused on the study of the three major components of photography: Light, composition, and storytelling. The students learn tools and methodologies to improve their digital photography using lectures, field sessions and group discussions as the learning approach. It is a visual course for learning how to "see" or "view" beyond the camera.


This digital photography short course aims to develop the understanding and skill in portrait photography to capture people's identity, personality, and essence as subjects. Studies will primarily focus on the following: 1) Photographic techniques such as composition, lighting, and posing; photo sessions and environments. 2) People skills to develop good portraits. This includes generosity, collaboration, empathy, trust and assertiveness.


In this workshop the students will learn and practice techniques to take street portraits. In street photography nothing is staged or posed. The portraits are taken in their natural environment with everyday people. In this workshop, students can learn how to approach street photography using people skills. , interactions, distant photography and the use of natural/environmental lights as the sole source of lighting. There is also a brief introduction to ICM/Long exposure portraits using the street as media.

Doodle Away to Meditate and Relax

Humans doodle for diverse reasons. They doodle to express emotion or state of mind, to cope with boredom or frustration, or to reflect a view of their identity to others. Doodling allows the unconscious mind to communicate in symbolic expressions; these can have universal as well as personal meanings. Meditative drawing merges the calming practice of meditation with the creative process of drawing and repetitions. It's a mindful art form that encourages relaxation and self-expression. This form of art isn't about skill or perfection, but, instead is about finding a moment of peace and creativity in your day. By synchronizing the hand and eye—thereby allowing the coordination of body and mind—doodling can become a calming and meditative experience. Zen Doodling (aka zentangles) is a style of doodling/drawing that allows someone to create intricate designs by completing small areas of patterns

In this course (AKA Meditative Doodling) the students will learn the art of doodling as a drawing practice to develop focus, concentration, self-compassion and imagination.


This is a “having fun with digital photography” workshop. In this 2-session workshop, the students learn basic skills, tricks and techniques for taking “rare or seemingly impossible” photos. 

The idea is to get the “wow” effect in the taken photos. The "tricks" include ICM Photography, crystal-ball, prism; phone cameras; water reflections, light painting and the review of basic principles and methodology of Macrophotography.


© Copyright gustavo1960